Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One last March Post

Katie gave her first primary talk on Sunday March 27th. The topic given was "Heavenly Father Speaks to us through his prophets". Although Katie didn't really write her talk she enjoyed practicing it and did a wonderful job of giving her talk with daddy's help. She did get a little close to the microphone but only for a second. What a big girl Katie is getting to be!

Here is what her talk said:

Heavenly Father called special men, known as prophets, to teach and guide His people according to His plan. In Amos 3:7 it says:“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” We have a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson. He is the President of the Church, and he speaks to us for the Lord. Next week we can listen to the prophet during General Conference. He will teach us more about how to follow God’s plan so we can be happy. In Jesus Name Amen


Brittany & Garrett Best said...

It just blows my mind to even think that she's old enough to be in primary and giving talks none the less. She is getting to be such a big girl! So bittersweet I'm sure!

Kristin Lee said...
