Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pictures from January

Abi helping to make Tomato Bisque Soup for dinner.

We went for a walk and I guess Katie was tired she fell asleep and her head fell into her coat.
Katie got Wizard of Oz dress ups from Grandma and Grandpa Nolan for her Birthday. Here she is, of course, dressed up as the Wicked Witch.
Katie cooking up some food in her play kitchen Santa brought for the girls.
In my parents living room they have a fireplace harth that makes a great stage. Our girls often put on a perfomence of many songs for us. Oh and there is also a blanket fort that the girls called their house.
The Little Girl With A
There was a little girl who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead;
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.
This pretty much fits Katie to a T! This had been a very hard evening for Katie with lots of crying and tantrum throwing. Right before I was going to tuck her into bed I had to take this picture with that beautiful curl of red hair.
We took a train down town on one of John's days off and went to The Church History Museum. They have a great kids exhibit. Heres Katie in the Kitchen.
Abi and I changing some of the clothes on these dolls.
After our trip down town Katie fell asleep.
Abi loves her sleepy sister.
Katie wanted to wake her up to play.
Maybe Katie is like sleeping beauty and needs a kiss to wake up? Nope that didn't work either.
The end of January Abi had a fever that went for four days we took her to the Dr and they did some tests but nothing showed up. After her fever finally broke she was congested for a few days and then runny nosed for a few days. Katie then got the fever and a bit of congestion but thats been all. John and I both had a bit of it but now we all are healthy again! Yay!
Mom and Abi waiting for the Dr.

1 comment:

Tim and Ashley Tappana said...

I love the pictures of your girls. I know I always say that, but they are so cute, and so imaginative! You guys seriously do so many fun things together as a family!