Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crafting for Birthday presents September 23, 2011

My girls had a birthday party to go to for 3 kids from the same family. I decided to make their gifts.

 For the little boy Abi's age I made a car caddy. I actually made two because there is another little boy in our ward obsessed with cars and his little fists are always full of them so I decided he needed one too. I found this tutorial on the Homemade by Jill blog. It is so cute I'm planning to make more for other two year old boy's in our lives. 

For the twin girls I made ribbon bow hangers and head bands. I think they turned out so cute! The head bands I saw here and had to make them. Then I used this tutorial for the orange clips at the bottom of the ribbon bow hangers. We have one bow holder but need another and I want to make head bands like these for my girls if I find some time somewhere! 
All gifts were well received! I want to do more homemade gifts for my girls and their friends, it's fun for me and they are always original gifts.


Tim and Ashley Tappana said...

Oh my goodness! Can we say talented?! I seriously love the car caddy's! A lot! What great gifts! I'm super impressed with your abilities :)

Kristin Lee said...

Love Love Love! You are amazingly crafty, if I may say so... I'd be happy to help make some stuff for the girls if you need? Maybe we could have the kiddos keep each other occupied and we can try to do some of this stuff one afternoon?