Monday, May 16, 2011

Mothers day

Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers’ love is because it typifies the love of our Savior.- Bradley D. Foster

I am very blessed to have wonderful mothers in my life. My mother is such a wonderful woman, she was always kind and loving as she raised me. I'm sure she did get upset with me at times but I don't remember being yelled at ever. I loved story time when I was little, mom made the stories and characters come alive as she added voices and was animated while telling stories. She also would often repeat nursery rhymes throughout the day. I truly believe it is because of this that I have a love of reading and learning. My girls love to sing to grandma from their stage (the fireplace hearth) and also to do "ballet" while grandma sings a song. She is loved loved lots, I am very lucky to have her as my mom.

My mom and nephew Spencer

Honestly I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law as well as mother. When John and I got married I already had a good relationship with his mother and I'm so glad. She is so kind and sweet, she always makes me feel like I'm beautiful and that I'm a great mother to my own little ones. She is so much fun to be with, I love hearing her tell about when she was raised and when she joined the church. It is also fun to hear about her days as a young mother as well. She is a great grandma, she sings with my girls and if she could she would dance with all the time. My girls love her so much and so do I.
I am so very grateful for the opportunity Heavenly father has given me to be a mother. It is not easy, being a mother is the most difficult role I've ever had but is truly is the most rewarding. I love these little, silly, busy girls, I hope and pray daily that John and I will raise them to be happy, intelligent, kind, strong, and loving women.

I am so very grateful for my Grandma Arlene, she always has made me and my family feel so special to her although she has many grand kids and great grand kids.

John's Grandma Twila also has been so kind to our family and we feel very loved by her. I'm so glad my girls have been able to spend time with these Great Grandmas!

1 comment:

Brittany & Garrett Best said...

Your moms are so cute! I love your quote at the top! It inspires me to be the best mom I can be!!!