Sunday, October 25, 2009

Abigail's blessing.

Abigail was blessed October 11, 2009 in the Taylorsville 15th ward. John gave her a beautiful blessing and we were so happy to have many righteous men in our family able to be in the circle. It was a busy day for blessings in our ward, there were three other babies blessed a boy by the Banks family and twin girls by the Thomas's.

I made Abi's blessing dress and bonnet. The bonnet is made from a handkerchief I received while in young women's when the bountiful temple was dedicated and I attended the broadcast at our stake center. I found the pattern to make it online.

The dress pattern I made my self with guidance from a sewing blog I found. The fabric is what makes the dress.

Isn't the fabric so pretty?! I think so.

John calming Abi down so we could get some pictures.

Another cute picture of daddy and Abi.
Katie was a good girl most all day although her nap was way late and the fact there were so many people around.
Mom and Abi.
Our little family.

By the end of the day Abi was so tired she hadn't gotten much sleep during the day with so much happening. Her shirt says "I'm the little sister".

Thanks to all family and friends who were able to come and celebrate Abigail with us. And those who couldn't make it we appreciate your love and support for our family.


The Tani Family said...

That dress is so pretty! I am so impressed you made it. I was going to attempt Audrey's but with work and all, my mother-in-law is providing the dress.

Brittany & Garrett Best said...

The blessing dress is GORGEOUS!!! You did such a good job on both the dress and the bonnet!!!!

The Oldroyd's said...

Oh she is so beautiful. What a special day. I am so happy for you guys.

Kristin Lee said...

It was a beautiful blessing day and you guys have such a cute family. Keep up the good work! :)