Sunday, September 19, 2010

Abigail is ONE!

The last year has gone by quickly and our little Abigail is one year old. She is doing amazing things like...
She started walking at the end of July

She tries to copy any word we ask her to

She folds her arms for prayers and says 'per' (prayer),

She bounces when she wants to be picked up

She loves books and will bring you one after another to read to her

Her favorite book is "Rosie's Walk"

She tries to put on any clothes or towels or cloth item she can get her hands on (it's all clothes to her)

She loves her sister and wants to play with her all the time

She pulls her sister's hair

She waves bye bye and says bye

She started saying hello this week but it sounds like 'ewwo', only more muddled

She pretends to talk on the phone

She says cracker very well

She signs please, thank you, and more and tries to sign I love you

and a billion other amazing things she can do but I would be here forever to type them all up. She is a smart little one and we love having her in our family.

On her birthday we had a party it was great we had good friends and family to share the day with. Please enjoy the pictures there are A LOT of them...

1 comment:

Dunstan Family said...

how fun can't believe she is one