Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"i" TAG

I am: a mom!
I think: my daughter is beautiful.
I know: the gospel is true!
I want: a house of our own.
I wish: teething didn't hurt.
I hate: when I have a cold.
I miss: Kris already (she's headed back to Antarctica)
I fear: our car breaking down.
I feel: happy with my life.
I hear: the dryer.
I smell: nothing much, I'm getting over a cold.
I crave: butternut squash soup.
I search: for a dress.
I wonder: when Katie will get enough hair for me to put clips in.
I regret: getting a two door car.
I love: being a stay at home mom.
I care: about the earth.
I always: have wanted a garden.
I am not: sleeping through the night, along with Katie and John
I believe: in my husbands carrier plan.
I dance: on rare occasion.
I sing: to Katie every night.
I don’t always: pay attention to John's ramblings.
I write: lists of all kinds.
I win: every once in a while.
I lose: my glasses to a curious baby.
I never: eat hot dogs unless camping.
I listen: to Katie babble.
I can usually be found: with John.
I am scared: of unnecessary debt.
I need: more patience
I am happy about: having an eternal family.
I have: a new drivers license.
I tag: John, Kristin, and Laura

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